I began 2013 with a horrible cold that took me out of running for a whole week. When I came back, I began my marathon training plan. I decided I would make a plan by combining things I liked from the Train like a Mother, Hal Higdon, and a couple of others - starting from the mileage I was already doing. The problem with this, is even with only increasing my mileage 10% each week, I wasn't backing off every fourth week. Sooo, after my 15 mile run on Feb 16th (yes, what the heck was I thinking since my marathon is not until JUNE.) I experienced some knee pain that started in the middle of the night. I googled it the next morning and was pretty sure my pes anserine was inflamed I iced probably 5-6x right away. Took a week off, got acupuncture a few times, Chiro, and a Massage and cross trained and slowly began running again last week. I was able to run 8.5 on Saturday.. but by Monday I was still a little sore. I am having to foam roll and do dynamic stretches before each run and am doing my exercises each evening. I am nervous about Shamrock 15K next weekend. I am nervous about the Marathon already.. it suddenly seems close. I hate injuries. Or pre-injuries..
New plan is that I am going to follow Hal Higdon Novice 2 plan. I think I was being too aggressive. I just want to finish my first marathon without getting injured BEFORE actual race day. Plus I have LOTS of races after June that I want to be able to run.
Registration is open for www.ladybugrun.com.. We are busy getting everything planned to make this next years race even better than last year.. Some pretty awesome prizes are rolling in...
2013 Goals!!
- Complete a Marathon (VancouverUSA) in under 5 hours.
- Complete the Shamrock 15K (last year I was DNF due to knee pain)
- Run Hood to Coast
- Beat 2012 times for 5K, 10K and Half
- Complete Napa to Sonoma Half
- Nike Women's Half in SF in October
- Foam Roll 5-6 days a week
- 400+ registrants for Ladybug Run
- Do Strength work at least 2x a week
On that note..better close so I can get my Kettlebell workout done...