So please register, get all your friends to register, and start planning your ladybug costumes!! Don't forget that the best men and women's costumes will be getting a prize.
I think I decided to sign up for the Heartbreaker Half... I got my long run mileage back up pretty quickly and ran 12 miles last weekend with Coach Jim's group. If you are looking for people to run with - I highly recommend his running group. They have all different pace levels, running all sorts of distances. A lot are training for Eugene Marathon and Boston, but then you have people getting ready for Shamrock, Rock and Roll, or folks who just like to run with others. I ran with the 11min mile pace group since I wanted to save myself for the Terwilliger Hills that were on the menu for the day. Since the route followed much of the route that the Heartbreaker will be covering, and I was surprisingly NOT all the sore after the run, I think I can do it. I am going to do it slower, more at a training pace so that I don't injure myself.. but I think it will be a fun one. My other motivation is that I really like the medal and I am hoping for some redemption after Girlfriends Half (since my IT Band started hurting early and forced me to walk ALOT more than I had planned). Even with all those hills, I should be able to improve my time.
I had an appointment with Dr Ray McClanahan (Podiatrist) over at NW Foot and Ankle for some runner/foot issues (he was recommended to me by several people) and am now on a plan to break myself from my orthodics and eventually move into minimalist running shoes. This guy ran a marathon in Crocs. I was pretty impressed by all his knowledge and his approach (definitely going to be slow) . He did say that for a "woman my age" (snort, chuckle) my feet were pretty healthy (which means your toes aren't all squished together when the foot is relaxed). I guess the last few years of working mostly from home and not wearing pointy shoes have been good for my feet. Now it will be a matter of wearing shoes with a wider toe box that allow my feet to do what they are supposed to. I'll keep you all posted on my progress. Yesterday at 2.5 miles in, I stopped and took the orthodics out of my shoes, re-laced and ran .6 miles. It felt fine and I don't have any pains today. This will be a gradual process. I am also breaking in the Correct Toes during the day - and will eventually transition into trying to run with them... that may be a stranger transition.
I have never heard of correct toes! I need to check this out. Glad you are not suffering in your feet from wearing pointy shoes. I pretty much ditched higher heels after I left my retail job, but haven't needed them at all since being a SAHM. :) It's a perk, I guess!
ReplyDeleteGetting excited for the lady bug run!