Less than 8 weeks until my first Marathon.
And I only really just started believing I can finish about 11 days ago.
Between training for the Marathon, being a mom to my 2 girls, work, the non-profit and planning Ladybug Run I am not left with a lot of time for blogging... but since this is a memory I'd like to preserve and I am always on the computer and NEVER journal anymore - this is the best I am going to do.
I have the Eugene Half marathon this weekend. I am excited to be running in the town I grew up in. My first 'race' there. Though I am not going into this weekend with any real expectations except;
2. Don't get injured.
Hmm... that looks about right. That's it. If I PR, that would be icing on the cake - and I'd even be thrilled with a 5 second PR. But my end game is the marathon in a few weeks - so this is truly just a training run at a faster pace than I am planning on running the marathon.
Even my Marathon goals are pretty realistic.
1. Finish it. Just cross the finish line.
2. Anything under 5 hours would be lovely.
The sun is shining... I tried to run today, but my knee decided it was going to be a cross training day, and I also got into my acupuncturist for a 'tune-up.'
Can't wait to post pictures from the race- I will definitely be running with my camera and enjoying this race!