A great group of women that motivate and inspire me!

So thankful that my hubby pushes the double stroller and not me today!!

What a beautiful day for a run! The temperature was perfect.. blue skies - you couldn't ask for more.
I was hoping to achieve my sub one hour 10K goal today, but after having to drop out of Shamrock last month due to knee pain, I knew I was going to be happy just to finish and hopefully beat last years time. I definitely accomplished that. I beat last years time by over three minutes and came in at 1:01.32. This is a new PR - not a sub one hour 10K, but getting closer and beat my Pints to Pasta 10k PR which is a mostly downhill race - so beating that by one minute on a MUCH hillier course was a good accomplishment. I tried to walk one minute for every mile so that I could stay ahead of my knee pain, and was able to run the whole race without a single twinge of discomfort, which also made for a very happy run today. Praise God! Also, I was only 3 minutes behind my husband which made me pretty happy (I do have to admit though, he was pushing a double stroller with close to 100 pounds of children in it - but whatever). After the race, I felt good and strong and not sore. Warning: about to give TMI - I always know when I have "raced hard" when I have serious GI issues post-race. What is that?
I do like this race, but seriously the twisty, winding at the end about made me loose my mind. You keep thinking the race is done and you are pushing for the end, and you turn another corner and..nope....no arch... keep going. ARGH!
Only four weeks until Rock and Roll. I am going to try and do a few speed workouts and would like to run one long run of longer than 13.1 this time. Anything better than 2:15 is going to make me a very happy lady.
Good luck to all those running Boston tomorrow. I am so excited for my friends running - you'd think I was running a marathon tomorrow. I have signed up for text alerts and am checking the weather... Crazy. You ladies inspire me so much. I am proud of each one of you and know you will ROCK it!!