Sunday, January 29, 2012
Out of town running

Saturday, January 14, 2012
My 15K Training plan....
So here is the plan I created going off Hal Higdon's 15K Intermediate Training Schedule.... I am modifying it week to week depending on how I feel, and if I went over in miles (like this week where I accidentally ran more because I ran without my watch one day). I am hoping by working in some Tempo and Interval runs I can work on increasing speed - plus my Tuesday run has been with some ladies that are a little faster than me which has been good at pushing my pace faster without killing me. Nine miles today felt good. My hips did start getting sore about halfway into the run - but I know I need to continue to strengthen my abductors and gluts to remedy this. I did leg drains and foam rolled when I got home and iced my knees even though I wasn't in pain. The strangest place I am sore right now is my lower abs.. that's a first.
I would like to keep increasing my mileage without over-training since I am using this as a springboard into training for Rock and Roll Half in May and would like to have my base higher going into it so that 13.1 will seem easy. I'm curious to hear any feedback or advice from my wise running friends.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tight Hips
Some great stretches if you have tight hips like me!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Training plans
Talk to 10 different people and they will all tell you something different about how to do your training plan. I started off deciding to use the Hal Higdon 15-K Intermediate plan as a starting point to train for the Shamrock 15K and then I will continue from there to build for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in May. The problem with the plan after I started was, I don't think I am ready for 5 days a week of running. Plus, it makes it extremely hard to fit in strength and cross training when I am running that many days out of the week. So I modified the plan to 4 days a week of running, 2 days strength, 1 day cross... But then I talked to someone today who recommended only running 3 days a week and doing 2 days cross, and 2 strength saying that this would be better for working on getting faster. So that would mean 1 long run, 1 tempo or speed work, 1 easy a week.
What to do?
What to do?
I think I would rather run 4 days a week-- maybe some weeks if I am feeling an injury come on, have the flexibility to drop a run.. Runner friends - how often do you run when training?
Ran with the Saturday Portland Running Company Group Run crew in West Linn last weekend. It was fun meeting some new people and running a new route. Lots of speedy folks!! Luckily, someone took pity on me and ran with me so I didn't get lost. I was nervous to show up not knowing anyone - but am so glad that I did. I was told there people of all speeds that show up and that they usually have a 8:30, a 9:30 and 10:30 pace groups... We were bringing up the rear at a 10 min/mi pace. I ran my long run faster than I normally would, but it didn't feel so bad afterwards - so maybe it was good to be pushed.
www.runoregon.com is a great website if you are looking for other people to run with. I might check out the Lululemon group runs next.... I need a few more training partners that are "my speed."
Ladybug Run updates - working on setting up the non-profit.. I need to find an Accountant who can volunteer to serve on the Board... Secured Champoeg State Park for 8/12 - so am excited about that. Should have our logo in the next week and then the website/Facebook/social media push begins. It's a lot.. but I am trying to look at it in small pieces so that I don't get overwhelmed. I will be happy when I get some of my pieces done that will allow my Race Committee members to be able to be turned loose.
If you’re running a 26-mile marathon, remember that every mile is run one step at a time. If you are writing a book, do it one page at a time. If you’re trying to master a new language, try it one word at a time. There are 365 days in the average year. Divide any project by 365 and you’ll find that no job is all that intimidating.- Charles Swindoll
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
When I started out for my run today, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was feeling a little achy and thought I might have to cut my run short today. My training plan has me increasing my base miles and I am trying to be cautious since I don't want to injure myself so early in the training season. But, amazingly as I started running it felt good so I kept to plan and ran the full six miles. I was happy that I got out and ran today instead of just preemptively deciding that I should take the day off. My body surprised me. But then again, every day I run I am surprised. As I have said before, I never thought I would be able to run like this. I am so thankful for just the ability to be able to do it right now.
I added a page that lists my "toolkit" for running. Would love to see comments from others about lessons learned or things that have helped them improve or increase their running.
Have you surprised yourself lately? I really want to push myself this year... do things outside of my comfort zone in many areas of my life. I love the beginning of a new year.. it's like a new three ring notebook. Blank pages waiting to be written upon. Anything is possible.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Resolution Run TwentyTwelve
Today's 5K was an important race for me. It was my first race that I would run all by myself- a running rite of passage all by itself. But it also important because this was a race I trained for last fall/winter that I was unable to run. My youngest was in the hospital and running this race was not where I was needed. Finley came home, my training continued but I never did run a 5K last year. I was excited to run this race today remembering where we were last year and just be thankful for how far we have come.
This was the first race where I did a one mile slow warm up jog before the race. I went out too fast at 8:30 for the first half mile and realized that I would not be able to keep that up. The rest of the race I varied between 8:45 and 9:15. My Garmin time was 27:35 - still waiting for official race results but I beat my goal which was to come in under 30 min. As I pushed to the finish line, the two things that give me strength are the bible verse Phil 4:13 " I can do everything through him who gives me strength." It becomes a mantra when I feel like I want to slow down. And I think about Finley. She is such an inspiration to me. I saw some mom's running with their kids today and I am so looking forward to the day when my girls can join me at some races.
Inspired by Amanda over at Runninghood I have decided to create my own running journal. I set a list of goals for 2012.
1. Run Faster - beat my 10K and Half times from 2011.
2. Run a Relay (going to run the Prelay in June).
3. Run the Shamrock Run 15K (stepping up from the 8K last year).
3. Plan and organize Ladybug Run for CDH Awareness and Research. (8/12/12 - Champoeg Park, mark your calendars!)
4. Run a destination race. (would LOVE to do the Girlfriends Nike Half Marathon in SF)
5. Run a sub 1hr 10K.
6. Run a sub 30 min 5K. Check.
7. Run 1012 miles.
Next up for me... increasing mileage, attempting speedwork.. and Shamrock 15K.
Update: Official time: 27:33 I came in 9th out of 34 in my age division and 90th out of 351 people. Feeling pretty good about this!!
It all begins here...

I tried running a few times in my 20's - but would always get sidelined by some injury since I knew nothing about training wisely, or injury prevention. I loved the idea of being a runner. Just being able to put on a pair of running shoes and go. I envied the physique of those that ran regularly. But that could never be me, I would think to myself.
In my 30's I tried again after my first daughter was born. Again, enter an injury. The IT Band Syndrome. My arch nemesis. I once again hung up my running shoes.
While I was pregnant with my second I had dreams about running. It felt so wonderful to be running and that feeling remained with me after I awoke. After Finley was born, I watched her fight for each breath she took (Finley was born with a birth defect called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia) and I decided that I would run for her. Before she was even discharged from the hospital I had decided that I would try and organize a race in her honor (The Ladybug Run) and raise awareness for her condition and (hopefully) raise money. Once Finley got home, I googled Couch25k and I began running. First on the treadmill. Then outdoors. Then even when it was raining... My first goal was to run the Resolution Run TwentyEleven 5K, but Finley had other plans and was in the hospital for a second surgery. On January 2, 2011 I ran a 5K in NE Portland by myself.
I had a large group of girlfriends who were going to do the Shamrock Run - so I decided to set my new goal for a 8K. Once that was accomplished I aimed for a 10K. Then I decided I would run a Half Marathon (who was this girl?).
I ended the year having run a 8K, 3 10k's and a Half Marathon.
I am not fast.
But I am a runner. I am proof that someone who thought they "couldn't run" can. You just begin. Small steps with a goal in mind. My goal for 2012? I have a list - but one of them is to run 1012 miles...
What are your goals for 2012?
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