Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution Run TwentyTwelve

Today's 5K was an important race for me. It was my first race that I would run all by myself- a running rite of passage all by itself. But it also important because this was a race I trained for last fall/winter that I was unable to run. My youngest was in the hospital and running this race was not where I was needed. Finley came home, my training continued but I never did run a 5K last year. I was excited to run this race today remembering where we were last year and just be thankful for how far we have come.

This was the first race where I did a one mile slow warm up jog before the race. I went out too fast at 8:30 for the first half mile and realized that I would not be able to keep that up. The rest of the race I varied between 8:45 and 9:15. My Garmin time was 27:35 - still waiting for official race results but I beat my goal which was to come in under 30 min. As I pushed to the finish line, the two things that give me strength are the bible verse Phil 4:13 " I can do everything through him who gives me strength." It becomes a mantra when I feel like I want to slow down. And I think about Finley. She is such an inspiration to me. I saw some mom's running with their kids today and I am so looking forward to the day when my girls can join me at some races.

Inspired by Amanda over at Runninghood I have decided to create my own running journal. I set a list of goals for 2012.

1. Run Faster - beat my 10K and Half times from 2011.
2. Run a Relay (going to run the Prelay in June).
3. Run the Shamrock Run 15K (stepping up from the 8K last year).
3. Plan and organize Ladybug Run for CDH Awareness and Research. (8/12/12 - Champoeg Park, mark your calendars!)
4. Run a destination race. (would LOVE to do the Girlfriends Nike Half Marathon in SF)
5. Run a sub 1hr 10K.
6. Run a sub 30 min 5K. Check.
7. Run 1012 miles.

Next up for me... increasing mileage, attempting speedwork.. and Shamrock 15K.

Update: Official time: 27:33 I came in 9th out of 34 in my age division and 90th out of 351 people. Feeling pretty good about this!!


  1. Yeaaa Liz! I love this! I was actually working on my own running blog today too! Love Amanda at Runninghood. Congrats on checking off your first goal on the first day of the New Year!

  2. Hey there! I found you!
    I like your goals- and already one checked off! Nice new PR :)
    Also, I have to agree with you that Amanda is very inspiring and has some very cool journals. Ever as nice IN person as on the internet, too :)

  3. I have a long list of women that inspire me - that will be a blog post later - but you (Raina) and Cyndie are on that list!
